Parshat Shlach Lecha 5767: You DO Care What Others Think of You … and so You Should!

by in Shlach Lecha .

  Parshat Shelach Lechah 5767 Parshat Meraglim: Hashem’s response to Moshe’s prayer Your image as your personal amplifier Concern about one’s “image” is not always a sign of ego and insecurity: it can also be a necessary strategy to amplify a person’s effectiveness. Often the most profound truths go unheeded because the waves that transmit them are too feeble to be detected. Despite, or in many cases as a result of a world of increasing communication, bombarded as we are with email, the ubiquity of printed materials, the internet and a dissemination of knowledge and opini..


Parshat Shlach Lecha 5768: 12 Great Angry Men

by in Shlach Lecha .

Seeing Different vs. Looking Different The meraglim (spies) were exceptionally great people to start with and that is the hardest part of the story. I cannot imagine the gedolim (great Torah leaders) of our generation doing what the meraglim did. I certainly cannot imagine it of thegedolim of the generation in Europe before the war, and earlier. We couldn’t picture the Chofetz Chaim or the Vilna Gaon, the Rishonim,Amoraim, or Tana’im, doing what the meraglim did. Then how can we picture the gedolim of the g..


Parshat Beha'alotecha and Shelach 5769: Synchronicity

by in Behaalotcha, Shlach Lecha .

Halacha synchronizes us and unites us in ways that chronology and geography cannot. Two events are chronologically synchronized if they occur at the same moment irrespective of where in the world they occur.Halachick synchronicity is different. It is a fascinating idea different from the idea of chronological synchronicity. Halachik synchronicity occurs when two events happen at the same moment of the day in their respective locations. So an event at sunrise in Vancouver is synchronized with an event that takes place at sunrise in Jerusalem even though there are ten hours bet..


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