Enduring Investment (Parshat Vayakheil-Pikudei, 5778)

by in Vayakhel, Pekudei .

Enduring Investment Parshat Vayakheil-Pikudei, 5778 The Nesi’im The Nesi’im (Princes of the Tribes of Israel) make a magnanimous gesture of philanthropy; they underwrite all the donations and contributions needed to build the elaborate Mishkan (Tabernacle) in the dessert. After the community has brought its donations, the Nesi’im generously offer to make up any shortfall. To their surprise, there was no shortfall. The community had overdelivered and there was no need for the Nesi’im to contribute anything at all; so they donated the precious stones of the Eifod a..


Parshat Vayakhel Pekudei 5766: How to identify your Divine Purpose, and live it with Creativity

by in Vayakhel, Pekudei .

It’s so odd! Betzalel’s task was to construct the Mishkan with meticulous faithfulness to its Divine design.[1] I understand the need for him to be a talented multi-medium craftsman, which he was. But why was it also necessary for him to be so ultra-creative that he was able to conceive of ideas and designs that had never before been seen?[2] I’ll answer that question at the end of this essay. New parents whose hearts are overflowing with the desire that their newborn will grow into an authentic Oveid Hashem (Servant of G-d), are granted an almost prophetic insight whe..


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