New Age Spirituality and Reb Elya's Mussar "Happiness is not about how much you have, but about how little you miss." Mindful Observance of Mitzvot Would you daven three times a day (assuming you are a man) if there were no chiyuv (obligation) or reward for davening? Whichmitzvot would you continue to keep consistently if they were voluntary and there was no reward for doing them nor negative consequence for not keeping them? Think about it carefully and consider asking your children too. I recently put this question to a group of bnei To..
New Age Spirituality and Reb Elya's Mussar "Happiness is not about how much you have, but about how little you miss." Mindful Observance of Mitzvot Would you daven three times a day (assuming you are a man) if there were no chiyuv (obligation) or reward for davening? Whichmitzvot would you continue to keep consistently if they were voluntary and there was no reward for doing them nor negative consequence for not keeping them? Think about it carefully and consider asking your children too. I recently put this question to a group of bne..