Tazria-Metzora 5773: Love and Sanctity

by in Tazria, Metzora .

By putting the needs of another before our own, we displace our egos and create space for sanctity to find a home. Vehiskadishtem: Be holy Our national mission, the purpose for which we were taken out of Egypt and made into a nation, is to be holy. The parshas of Tazria-Metzora are sandwiched between two majestic injunctions to become holy: "Vehiskadishtem, vi'hiyissem kedoshim" (Vayikra 11:44) and "Kedoshim tiheyu" (you shall be holy - Vayikra 19.2). When we are holy we 'vibrate' on a Divine wavelength that enables us to resonate with the Divine and to connect ..


Parshat Tazria 5768: Shabbat: The Pre-trauma Stabilizer

by in Tazria .

  Brit and Shabbat Why, asks the Midrash (D.R. 6:1), doesBrit Milah (The covenant of circumcision) take place specifically on the child’s eighth day? The reason given by the Midrash is that Hashem applied mercy to him (the infant), to wait for his Brit Milah "ad sheyehei bo kocho" – simply translated: until he has his strength. We will revisit this translation a little later. What strength does an infant gain at  eight days? The Zohar (3:91) explains that the reason for the eighth day timing of a Brit is to ensure..


Parshat Tazria-Metzora 5766: Pain is a Message - Change is its Cure

by in Tazria, Metzora .

When we are too quick to ease our discomfort, we may miss out on "hearing" potentially life-changing messages. If we accept that nothing is coincidental, (the very definition of Bitachon,) then discomfort is sent to us not just as an irritation but to urge us to make some life-style modification. When we suffer a headache, rather than just popping another pill we may do better evaluating our lifestyles and sources of stress. If we suffer from heartburn we could either take antacid medication and carry life on as normal, or examine our eating habits and make permanent changes to our d..


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