Through the practice of Shemita more than through any other mitzvah, we define who we are and what the values are that truly drive our choices. Shemita - core to our world-view The structure of Parshas Behar is symphonic. It is the Parsha's very structure however that raises a crucial question about its opening movement. The answer to this question immutably changes our view of the Shemita Laws, the parsha and the way we, as Jews, see the world. Rashi (Vayikra 25:1) explains why the Parsha opens by referencing Mt. Sinai as the place (and the time) that the laws of the Shemi..
Vayikra, 26:3 We shall do and we shall hear! Mishpattim are generally known as those Mitzvot that have clear rational explanations. Chukim are considered mitzvot without clear rationale. Examples of Mishpattim are Mitzvot like the laws of damages, charity, business transaction etc. Chukim would include laws such as Sha’atneiz, Kashrut and Tum’ah. What about the Mitzvah to study the Torah: is that a Mishpat or is it aChok? Since there is rationale in studying the Torah, in order to know the Laws, it ..
Vayikra 25:20-21 The boundary between nature and miracle is a creation of your own mind. You can open channels of miraculous possibility by removing that imaginary boundary. Is this the teaching of some new age Guru? Not at all: this lesson is taught by the Sefat Emet[1] on our Parsha. Every seventh year, in Israel, the Shemitta is observed. The land is not worked that year and the farmers use the time as a Sabbatical during which to reconnect to Hashem, study the Torah and grow spiritually. The year after the seventh Shemitta is a Yoveil&n..
Parshat Behar-Bechukotai, 5766: Having, Does not Create Security; Being does
Israel and the pursuit of security From an economic perspective, living in Eretz Yisrael doesn’t make much sense. In the West we invest so heavily in securing the best economic future for ourselves and our children that we can. We make so many choices based on short or long term economic outlook. But consider the severe limitations to the accumulation of wealth and ownership of property that apply in Eretz Yisrael. Not only does the nation observe Shabbat and Chaggim, but the entire agricultural economy shuts down for one out of every seven years. Apart from gover..