Parshat Shoftim 5767: Leadership is Midah, not a Skill

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Devarim, 17:14-15 Kelei Yakar Leadership of cowardice vs. leadership of courage The recent and increasingly frequent breakdown of American infrastructure, from the power blackout in the northeast a few years ago to the recent bridge collapse in Minneapolis, bears testimony to the unwillingness of successive administrations to spend money on investments that will not buy votes in the short term. Is that leadership or servitude? Clearly leadership by the people and of the people is not always leadership for the people. Leaders by the people and of the peopl..


Parshat Shoftim 5768: Procrastination: The Decision to do Nothing

by in Shoftim .

Last evening I wrote a list of my incomplete tasks and projects. I wrote down everything I could think of that was awaiting decision, action, completion or abandonment. Stunned by the length of the list I understood why I was feeling so drained, overwhelmed, somewhat unfocused and generally miserable! Unresolved issues and incomplete projects clutter the mind and block our energy. I am sure you have felt the liberation of un-cluttering a space, whether a desk, a computer filing system, a room in the house or a closet. There is an ease, a lightness and a clarity that comes with a clean-out..


Parshat Shoftim 5766: Business: The Act of Taking or the Art of Giving?

by in Shoftim .

Shoftim veShotrim – A Judiciary and a Police Force Regulations and enforcement are socially necessary. Yet regulations and enforcement do not make people great. People define their greatness by the degree to which they perceive themselves as takers or contributors. Takers need regulations and enforcement. Contributors do not. The Sarbanes-Oxley regulatory response to the Enron/Worldcom scandal does nothing to raise the ethical standard of business. Of course we do need a sound legal system with strong punitive consequences for those who exploit others for their own gain. But so long as..


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