Parshat VaYakhel 5767: The Corrupted Soul of Shabbat

by in Vayakhel .

Shemot, 35:2   The Way we Celebrate Shabbat In our lonely, too busy and alienated world, socially vibrant Shabbatot often attract people to religious observance. However, the way we observe Shabbat has sidetracked us far from the intention of the Architect of Shabbat and the Artist of its majestic beauty. Our Shabbatot are often glorious days of social networking, entertaining, sumptuous kidushes and meals (with sometimes exotic and over-abundant drinking). Many Shuls are full on Shabbat not because of the charisma of the rabbi, the wisdom of his derashot nor for the..


Parshat VaYechi 5767: Fear and Faith

by in Vayechi .

Fear and Faith are Feelings Fear is an intuition; it is a feeling, an emotion. Fear is not the product of data or intellectual process. So, when someone feels afraid, it is not helpful to tell them not to worry, that there is nothing to fear. The way to counter fear is with Faith. Faith is also an intuition, it is also an emotion [1]: faith in yourself, faith in your G-d. Like Fear, you will not experience Faith through the mastery of data or of intellectual process. You access faith through intuitive feeling, not through rational proof. The feeling of fear in the pits of our stom..


Parshat Vayikra 5767: Sense of Self vs. Sense of Other

by in Vayikra .

Vayikra, 1:2 Serving G-d or serving Man?  Often we confuse G-d’s will, Halachah, with the will of the communities in which we live. Religious fashion and style become confused with fundamental Halachik requirement. We do things because they are expected of us. But, expected by whom? Expected by Hashem, by Chazal or Poskim (authentic Rabbinic authority); or expected by a group of self-appointed religious bullies? Do we know enough to know the difference? Are we learning how to discern the differences between Halachah, religious fashion, and religious bullying? It ..


Parshat Korach 5768: Content and Intent

by in Korach .

  Questioning The Torah embraces questioning. Like a teacher secure in his brilliance, the Torah becomes even more vital by questioning. As long as we encourage questioning the Torah will never become mindless dogma or intimidating fundamentalism. Questioning guards the truth, sharpens the mind, and invigorates our thinking.  We teach our children at our Pesach sedarim to question and challenge. Talmudic methodology is built on question and challenge. No question seems to be out of bounds. Torat Emmet (the Torah of Truth) can withstand any questioning; ..


Parshat Shmini 5768: New Age Spirituality and Reb Elya’s Mussar

by in Shmini .

New Age Spirituality and Reb Elya's Mussar  "Happiness is not about how much you have, but about how little you miss." Mindful Observance of Mitzvot Would you daven three times a day (assuming you are a man) if there were no chiyuv (obligation) or reward for davening? Whichmitzvot would you continue to keep consistently if they were voluntary and there was no reward for doing them nor negative consequence for not keeping them? Think about it carefully and consider asking your children too. I recently put this question to a group of bne..


Parshat Behar 5768: Create Boundless Possibility

by in Behar .

Vayikra 25:20-21 The boundary between nature and miracle is a creation of your own mind. You can open channels of miraculous possibility by removing that imaginary boundary.  Is this the teaching of some new age Guru? Not at all: this lesson is taught by the Sefat Emet[1] on our Parsha. Every seventh year, in Israel, the Shemitta is observed. The land is not worked that year and the farmers use the time as a Sabbatical during which to reconnect to Hashem, study the Torah and grow spiritually. The year after the seventh Shemitta is a Yoveil&n..


Pesach, 5768: Anybody Listening? Vehigadeta – the art of effectively communicating

by in Pesach .

Communication Communication is the heart and soul of all relationships. It is the foundation of education. It is the oil that makes nations and organizations work smoothly. Whether or not we are good at communication depends on how we define it. If communication is the transmission of information, most of us are quite good at it. But is that what communication is? We learned so much about communication at the Seder. The very word "haggada" means communication. It originates in Shemot…..vehigadeta levinchah (you shall tell your son) introducing an explanation for the Seder without ..


Sukkot 5768: Surrender Control to Your Host….at least for a week

by in Sukkot .

Space and Time change things Sukkot is a time when we are invited as guests into a space that is not our own. The Sukkah is a space that belongs to Hashem, and into which we are invited as royal guests. If you place something ordinary in an extraordinary space, it acquires some of the extraordinariness of that new space. Imagine taking a rather ordinary painting out of the back room of a pawnshop, framing it majestically and placing it in one of the prime halls of an art gallery. Clearly the painting’s new lofty surroundings will uplift its glamour and immediately enhance its value. We..


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