Parshat Beha'alotecha and Shelach 5769: Synchronicity

by in Behaalotcha, Shlach Lecha .

Halacha synchronizes us and unites us in ways that chronology and geography cannot. Two events are chronologically synchronized if they occur at the same moment irrespective of where in the world they occur.Halachick synchronicity is different. It is a fascinating idea different from the idea of chronological synchronicity. Halachik synchronicity occurs when two events happen at the same moment of the day in their respective locations. So an event at sunrise in Vancouver is synchronized with an event that takes place at sunrise in Jerusalem even though there are ten hours bet..


Parshat Be'ha'alotechah, 5766: Credit and Debit: Building Wealth

by in Behaalotcha .

  Giving is receiving The almost paradoxical relationship between the accounting terms "credit" and "debit', are universal truths core to human relationship. A credit exists on your balance sheet when you have created indebtedness in another. You create indebtedness by giving another person something of your own. When you receive something from another, you create a debit in your books, not a credit. If a person owes you more than you originally gave them, then value has been created. (In banking terms this would occur when the interest on a debt exceeds the cost of mitigating the..


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