Parshat Devarim and Tish’a Be’Av 5767: The Central Question: Eichah or Ayekah?

by in Tish'a Be'Av, Devarim .

Devarim 1:12 Three rhetorical questions “Where are you?” I asked myself as I emerged from a very deep slumber early this evening. I have done so much traveling these past couple of weeks, that for a few moments after a nap trying to recover from jetlag, I truly had no idea where I was! “Where are you?” Isn’t that the question Hashem asked Adam[1] after man’s first act of disobedience? And did that act not initiate sin and ultimately culminate in the destruction of the Batei Mikdash (Temples)? Was that act not the starting point of the journey on which we still find ..


Parshat Devarim 5768: The Crisply Laundered Shirt

by in Devarim .

Shabbat Chazon   The Laws of the Nine Days I received the following email from a leading Rav before the Nine Days, cautioning against a myopic focus on Halachik detail that excludes awe for the splendor of Creation. “I think our generation needs a strong appreciation for the world before even beginning to understand G-d and subsequently approach Torah with some sophistication. Which would you feel more in awe of - a G-d that created protons, neutrons, electrons etc and generates the energy that holds it all together, or a G-d that tells you to wear all your garments for half..


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