Parshat Re’eh, 5767: Creating the Space for Abundance

by in Re'eh .

    Devarim: 12: 18-20 Abundance is a flow Chukim (Statutes), the laws of spirituality, often appear to be counter-intuitive. The Law of Abundance is one such Chok. The law of abundance is stated in Mishlei (Proverbs) Chapter 18: “Matan adam yarchiv lo – it is a person’s generosity that creates the space for abundance”. Abundance is not a static quantity of matter or money. Abundance is a flow, a spring of constantly renewing vitality. The renewal can be in any area: financial, social, family, health, or wisdom. Abundance is not about how muc..


Parshat Re’eh 5768: What is Good?

by in Re'eh .

Goodness and Straightness Goodness and straightness are two different ethical ideas. Being good, is doing something on a microcosmic level, something that may be small and very local, yet it has universal, macrocosmic benefit. Beingstraight is different. Both in our Parsha (12:28) and in Va’etchannan (6:18) the wordsYashar (straight) and Tov (good) are phrased together. In ourParsha, after warning us about the severity of eating blood, even the droplets of blood contained in meat that has not been properly slaughtered and prep..


Re'eh 5770: Has Modern Orthodoxy Lost the Plot?

by in Re'eh .

Orthodoxy by definition cannot be modern; only Torah can. I have deeply missed my communication with you over such a long period. I am happy to say though, that in this time I have completed the first draft of my book's manuscript and hope to share it with you before the end of this year. This is the book that contains the philosophy of business, built on Torah pillars, that I have crafted piece by piece over two decades of international consulting while at the same time learning and teaching Torah. Businesses in a vast spectrum of industries and geographies and their leaders, have n..


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